
Environmental impact of broiler production operations in Brunei Darussalam

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Agriculture in Brunei Darussalam has developed to its current status contributing 3 percent to GDP worth B$194.7 million in 2004. Much of the contribution to the agricultural sectors is from the livestock sector from the production of eggs and broiler chicken. Due to the rapid expansion of the broiler sector, more agricultural lands will be developed for broiler farms, in addition to the existing 454 hectares allocated to the livestock operations. In view of this expansion, the threat to the environment is unavoidable especially from animal waste. Majority of the Agriculture Development Areas (ADA) lands occupied by broiler farmers are low-lying, swampy and prone to flooding. The study found out that indiscriminate disposal of farm wastes within the farm vicinity, dead chickens and offal are dumped into rivers and effluent from the farm slaughterhouses was discharged directly into public drains and rivers. There are no guidelines available on how to handle farm wastes, and effort to monitor impact on the environment from broiler operations is lacking. Slaughterhouses in the farm are set up within few meters from the broiler houses, poorly managed, unchecked and veterinary inspection was not conducted on a routine basis.
Abd. Latif bin Haji Sani
[Bandar Seri Begawan] :Universiti Brunei Darussalam

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